Ian Gregory
4th Dan

Ian has been training in Shotokan Karate for over 30 years and has held the rank of 4th Dan since 2012. A member of the Academy since 2003, Ian is a former member of SEKU having trained and graded extensively under the inspirational trio of Sensei's Hazard, Dewey and O'Donnell. Ian has also had the privilege of training with man top Japanese Shotokan instructors including Enoeda, Kanazawa, Asai, Abe, Kagawa but also Morio Higaonna of Goju-Ryu. An experienced instructor, Ian has been the chief instructor of the established Pagham Karate Club since 1988.
Ian Gregory can be contacted via ian.gregory@academyofshotokankarate.com or www.paghamkarate.co.uk.